Ending aid dependency in Malawi

Growing better plants with bokashi

Two members of the Capacity Foundation team have been trained to make biofertiliser (bokashi).

Kennas Jim and Vincent Mphande from the Foundation team were trained by the renowned Juanfran Lopez (see juanfranlopez.com) as part of a plan to create fertile soil and enable the poorest farming families to utilise their asset – their land – to both feed themselves properly and generate a surplus to sell.

They in turn are training 16 lead farmers in the best techniques for making the fertiliser and those farmers are passing on their knowledge to about 100 farming families keen to learn about the benefits of bokashi.

Because the bokashi improves soil it potentially offers a means of salvation for farmers in Malenga Mzoma whose land is poor.

These pictures show Kennas’s mustard plants before and after biofertiliser was applied.

Mustard plants before and after biofertiliser was applied.

The photo at the top of the page shows some lead farmers learning how to make bokashi, with the same event also captured in this brief video …

Lead farmers learning how to make bokashi.

In December 2020, a demonstration of bokashi-making was held on the Kawiya Estate, during which Village Head Vivila said that he had been waiting for such a programme to be implemented locally and had long urged his people not to depend on commercial fertiliser because it degrades the soil.

Promising to now encourage his people to use bokashi, he noted that the Capacity Foundation is the only organisation promoting the technique in the area and thanked us for our support.

A demonstration of bokashi-making on the Kawiya Estate.
A demonstration of bokashi-making on the Kawiya Estate.

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