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About one in six people who make their Will include a gift to charity and it’s an idea that is growing in popularity.

The main benefits of a charitable legacy are:

  • it’s a gift that doesn’t cost you anything during your lifetime;
  • legacies help to secure the charity’s future, especially if you tell them about your decision; and
  • a gift to charity in your Will is tax deductible; for example it reduces your estate’s liability for inheritance tax (which kicks in on estates worth £325,000 – not that high an amount!)

If the idea of leaving a legacy – often also termed a ‘gift’ in your Will – appeals to you, here is what you need to know …

Use a solicitor

The Capacity Foundation firmly believes you should use a solicitor to write your Will. It’s one of the most important documents you will sign in your life, so it’s important to get it right – and there are many cases where poor wording has unintended consequences. We can provide a list of solicitors in your area who write Wills as a normal part of their work.

Types of legacy

There are three basic types of gift you can make to the Foundation: money (a fixed sum such as £500 or £5,000); things (for example jewellery, other valuables or property that can be auctioned); and what’s left after you’ve made all other gifts to family and friends (‘the residue’).

The options are best discussed with your solicitor.

Our Will Planner poses all of the questions you should think about when making your Will, which will save you time before seeing a solicitor and help you calculate the value of your estate.

The Capacity Foundation’s registered charity number is 1171338 and its registered office is: Brooklands Cottage, Ffordd y Bont, Pontybodkin, Mold, Flintshire CH7 4TS.


A simple Will costs about £200 depending to some extent on where you live. In the case of ‘mirror’ Wills where partners (married or not) make reciprocal arrangements, the second Will generally cost 50% of the first. If your circumstances require it, you can also draw up powers of attorney – but the solicitor you use will be able to advise you on the advisability of that.

Stephen Maund, one of the Foundation’s Trustees, has over 20 years’ experience of legacy fundraising and is available to discuss ways you might help secure the Foundation’s future with a legacy gift. Feel free to get in touch with him.