Ending aid dependency in Malawi


Graphic showing how the Capacity Foundation funding model has resulted in UK contributions declining and Malawi fundraising increasing.

Financial appeal breaks target

A fantastic response to our £10,000 appeal from our supporters has resulted in us smashing through that target just within the planned 12 months. The ...
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17 year old Jimmy Chirwa was one of the youngest graduates at the Capacity Foundation adult literacy graduation ceremony, Malenga Mzoma, Malawi, February 2023.

Graduation ceremony Malawi-style

Almost a hundred people graduated from the Capacity Foundation’s adult literacy Academy on Friday, 17th February. This, our fourth graduation, was the largest cohort to ...
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The Manager of the Capacity Foundation Academy is David Banda.

More adult literacy graduates!

Next week, on 8 June, 72 people will receive their certificates when they graduate from the Capacity Foundation Academy, an adult literacy programme working among ...
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Accessing markets

The great majority of businesses run in Malenga Mzoma are small one-person or family-sized enterprises which overwhelmingly rely on markets in their immediate vicinity. However, ...
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